Commonly Asked Questions

When, where, and how can I pick up my order?

All orders are fulfilled Fridays.

Fresh Simple Greens - 229 S 9900 E, Huntsville, UT 84317: Pickup hours are 10am - 4pm. Orders will be in the second container on a wire rack. You can come right in, say hi, and pick up your order. If for any reason we are not there for pick-ups we will
leave orders in a cooler outside the containers.

Sunny Field Farms - 2103 N 5500 E, Eden, UT 84310: Pickup hours are 12pm – 3pm. Orders will be in a blue cooler on the porch outside. Make sure you stop in and see what protein you could add to your salad.

Grounds For Coffee - 3005 Harrison Boulevard, Ogden, UT 84403: Pickup hours are 1pm-6pm. Orders will be inside in a blue cooler.

Pilates Body - 1949 N Washington Blvd, North Ogden, UT 84414: Pickup hours are 1pm-4pm. Orders will be in a blue cooler outside by the front door or inside the gym under the window.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions about pick-up orders.

Are Fresh Simple Greens products Organic?

No, not technically, but at Fresh Simple Greens we do not use any harmful chemicals. We are growing in a controlled environment, so we do not have any weeds or pests. How we grow is inherently clean and does not have the same issues with contamination and pests as traditional farming. We only use one thing to clean and disinfect, hydrogen peroxide, which is nontoxic and breaks down into Oxygen and water after it does its work.

It is important to understand what organic means. Organic is a growing standard for soil growers and it shows that the product is free of inorganic herbicides or pesticides. Organic does not mean food is healthy, fresh, local, high in nutrient content, or not heavily processed. Our greens are beyond organic! They are grown clean without chemicals, and high in nutritional value. Our greens are as good as you can get, and a shallow term like organic just doesn’t cut it when trying to describe the benefits.

Do I need to wash my produce?

This is a personal decision, but we can give some guidance. We do not spray with any chemicals, herbicides, or pesticides. The only cleaning/ disinfectant we use in the farm is hydrogen peroxide which breaks down into water and oxygen after a few minutes. The only reason for washing the greens is to remove any potential debris from the plug or nutrient water. Again, neither of these are going to hurt you, but you can give them a rinse to make sure it’s all clean.

If you do wash your lettuce, the colder the water the better. Like ice cold. You can even rinse the lettuce in a bowl of ice and water. The lettuce has the same response as you might have, it perks right up!

Is Fresh Simple Greens healthier than store bought produce?

Fresh produce is healthier than old produce. A huge advantage
of eating locally grown fresh food Is it does not have time to lose its
nutritional value. Our greens are as fresh as you can get, and more nutritious.
We do not spray with harmful chemicals, so you don’t have to worry about toxins
on your food.

Studies have shown that most produce will lose 30-40% of
nutritional value with in three days of harvest.  Some leafy greens such as spinach will lose
80% of vitamin C within 48 hours from harvest. This is a depressing truth. We
think we are eating healthy but really, we are eating dead food. Even worse
most grocery store produce is much older than three days, and it was picked
when it was not ripe and had lower nutritional content in total. Most of our
produce in UT is coming from over 1000 miles away and spending many days in
transit, warehouses, and on store shelves. This is why eating and buying local
is so important. Buying locally grown fresh produce has a higher nutritional
content, and a much better flavor.

What is the difference between the farm shares?

Each farm share has Salad mix and full heads of lettuce they just vary in amounts. Salad mix is obviously good for salads and the head lettuce can be used in a salad or is great for sandwiches, burgers, wraps, or whatever your heart desires. The following is a breakdown of what is in each farm share and about how much it will make.

Small Farm Share – 1 bag salad mix, 1 head of lettuce – makes 2-3 full salads or 4-6 side salads.

Medium Farm Share – 1 bag salad mix, 2 heads of lettuce – makes 2-3 full salads or 4-6 side salads.

Large Farm Share – 2 bags salad mix, 2 heads of lettuce – Makes 4-6 full salads or 8-12 side salads.

You can start with the size you think will work best and if you change your mind and want to size up or down it is a very easy switch. The following video about
managing your subscription describes how to change your subscription.

When will my order be delivered?

Delivery orders will be fulfilled Fridays. Orders will usually be delivered between 11am and 4pm. If you will not be home during that delivery window we recommend setting out a cooler so the greens stay a comfortable temperature as they wait for you. This is most important in the cold of winter and the heat of summer. Please
reach out if you have any more specific questions about the fulfillment of your

How do I manage my subscription?